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Loan Rejection Reasons - South Africa’s Hundred Percent Mortgages

Owing to a number of dynamics, the South African mortgage market still has lenders with 100 percent mortgage facilities, unlike on the global stage where cut-backs are the order of the day and lenders introduced restraints on mortgages i.e debt to earnings ratios, loan to value ratios.

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Home Loan Application Rejected? – Here We Explain Why

The keen anticipation of a financial boost by way of a credit facility to fund a transaction is what makes its rejection of sombre mood. In irreverent terms, it is nothing short of adding salt to injury in situations where the consumer’s circumstances critically needed the funds.

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Knowing What You Pay For - Property Purchase and Transfer

With regards to immovable property Sale and Transfer transactions, there are various costs and fees involved which must be settled in order for the process to be concluded. Knowing what each party (seller or buyer) must pay for is important so that one is prepared beforehand to avoid unnecessary delays.

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Is The Interest Rate On Your Home Loan In Your Best Interest?

A lot of pitfalls present themselves when buying a home through a Home Loan credit facility. If you are not careful, you may find yourself facing serious financial implications.

Interest rates are just one of the eminent issues...

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